Making a Case for Clean Fuels
The U.S. consumes 20 million barrels of petroleum per day. Three-fourths are used for transportation. Choose alternative fuels to reduce petroleum’s negative impacts on human life, planet and climate while gaining:
Better Health:
Gasoline exhaust can cause asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, lung and heart problems
Outdoor and household air pollution is linked with 7 million premature deaths annually
Cost Savings:
Clean fuels create new business and economic development opportunities
Fleets that switch to clean fuels gain a strong ROI while benefitting from:
o Reduced energy and transportation costs;
o Improved affordability, accessibility, efficiency, reliability and safety of mobility access
Pollutant Reductions:
At 28%, transportation creates the largest share of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs)
Clean fuels help strategically meet local, regional and state climate action plans
Clean fuels support the U.S. Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization’s calls for:
o Carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035
o Net zero emissions no later than 2050
Make the switch to clean fuels today, and we’ll all breathe easier for a better tomorrow!

Electricity can be used to power all-electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles directly from the power grid, with power stored in the vehicle’s batteries. Vehicles that run solely on electricity produce no tailpipe emissions. Electricity fueling costs for electric vehicles are reasonable compared to gasoline, especially with off-peak rates. Newer models now feature increased range and charging infrastructure is quickly growing. Learn more
Local Fleets: City of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Regional Transit, Duquesne Light, Penn State
2023 Pricing: 16.51 cents per kilowatt hour

Ethanol is a renewable fuel made from various plant materials, collectively called “biomass.” Nearly half of U.S. gasoline contains ethanol in a low-level blend to oxygenate the fuel and reduce air pollution. Ethanol is also increasingly available in E85, an alternative fuel that can be used in flexible fuel vehicles. Studies estimate that ethanol and other biofuels could replace 30% or more of U.S. gasoline demand by 2030. Learn more
Local Fleets: Allegheny County, NETL, Sheetz
2023 Pricing: $3.05/gallon

Hydrogen has revolutionary potential for transportation and energy. Hydrogen can be produced from fossil fuels, biomass or by electrolyzing water. Producing hydrogen with renewable energy and using it in fuel cell vehicles promises virtually pollution free transportation and independence from imported petroleum. Major R&D efforts are aimed at making hydrogen vehicles practical for widespread use.
Local Fleets: n/a
2023 Pricing: n/a

Biodiesel is a renewable alternative fuel produced from a wide range of vegetable oils and animal fats and is a cleaner-burning replacement for petroleum-based diesel fuel. Pure biodiesel or biodiesel blended with petroleum diesel can be used to fuel diesel vehicles, providing energy security and emissions and safety benefits. It is non-toxic, biodegradable and has physical properties similar to those of petroleum diesel. Learn more
Local Fleets: Global Links, Optimus Technologies
2023 Pricing: B20 - $4.42/gallon; B99-B100-$4.86/gallon

Natural gas is a domestically produced alternative fuel, readily available to end users. It produces significantly fewer harmful emissions than gasoline or diesel. It offers a high octane rating; is non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-carcinogenic; and presents no threat to soil, surface water or groundwater. Due to its nature, natural gas must be stored onboard a vehicle in either a compressed gaseous (CNG) or liquefied (LNG) state. Learn more
Local Fleets: City of Pittsburgh, Columbia Gas, Giant Eagle, Peoples Gas, UPMC
2023 Pricing: CNG-$2.85/GGE; LNG-$3.92/DGE

Propane, or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), is used by many fleets in the U.S. and propane fueling infrastructure is widespread. Propane is produced as a by-product of natural gas processing and crude oil refining. Its high energy density provides for good driving range. Propane offers a high octane rating; is non-toxic and presents no threat to soil, surface water, or groundwater. Learn more
Local Fleets: Allegheny County, Bluebird of Pittsburgh, Mlaker Transportation, Progas,
University of Pittsburgh
2023 Pricing: $3.29/gallon
Natural Gas
PRCC offers a wide range of clean fuel educational opportunities throughout the Western Pennsylvania region. Most programs are offered annually or can be specially arranged for your group or organization.
Alternative Fuel Technology Workshop Series:
Free, introductory courses teaching the basics about each alternative fuel, their associated vehicles and the benefits of adoption. Classes include slides and videos about how the alternative fuel differs from petroleum-based fuels. Workshops are followed by live vehicle demos; and participants meet with local drivers to learn more about the technology.
Available: As scheduled.
Register: Visit the Events page to sign-up for current offerings.
Clean Cities & Communities eLearning (Online Courses):
CCC eLearning provides a broad catalog of over 50 online courses covering basic and advanced training in alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies, online tools, and many other subjects helpful for coalition building.
Available: Anytime, for sustainable members only.
Register: Contact us to arrange login information for study at your own pace.
Training Series:
First Responder Training Series:
PRCC condensed National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) training designed to give first responders a basic overview of the most critical precautions that must be taken before approaching a damaged or enflamed alternative fueled and/or electric vehicle. Workshops include slides and videos; on-site vehicles are available for helpful, hands-on context.
Available: By request; please Contact us to arrange scheduling.
Hands-On Workforce Development Training Series:
PRCC partners with the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) and the National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC) to provide applications-focused training for the next-generation of mechanics and technicians. Courses introduce clean-fueled vehicles and their components and operation; hands-on content emphasizes safe working habits for vehicle maintenance.
Available: As scheduled.
Register: Visit the Events page to sign-up for current offerings.
Electrify Allegheny - Municipalities EV Support Program:
For municipalities interested in EV readiness, PRCC joins CONNECT and Duquesne Light Company in offering cohort-based workshops with optional ride-n-drives and/or charging tours. Programs help municipalities in Allegheny County consider fleet electrification while exploring different contexts for community charging installations. Follow-up collaborations include funding opportunities, grant writing, technical assistance and stakeholder engagement.
Available: By request; please Contact us to arrange scheduling in your County.
Register: Learn more or register as a municipality in Allegheny County with CONNECT.
Workplace Charging (WPC) Workshops:
With EV adoption on the rise, PRCC partners with CALSTART in preparing to bring EV charging to the workplace. Ideal for businesses, public officials, and community leaders, our workplace charging (WPC) workshops include ride-n-drive opportunities and tours of successful charging sites. Charge an electric vehicle while learning about various EV models and technologies, charging station types and charging infrastructure specifications.
Available: As scheduled or by request; please Contact us to arrange scheduling.
Register: Visit the Events page to sign-up for current offerings.
Other Learning Opportunities:
PRCC/DEPA Webinar Series
Alternative Fuel Technology Tours
Ride-N-Drive Events


Mack Godfrey

Janet Lauer
In memory of local clean fuel pioneers and PRCC leaders, Janet Lauer and Mack Godfrey, PRCC has established a scholarship endowment with the CCAC Educational Foundation. This partnership helps support exemplary students who have demonstrated academic excellence and commitment to education.
The intent of the PRCC Scholarships is to help the advancement of student development in the field of clean energy/sustainability at the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC).

About the Awards:
Scholarship amounts vary annually, based on the number of recipients and available funding.
Scholarships are awarded for the Fall, Spring or Summer semesters.
Scholarships are administered by the department head, with input from faculty members of the CCAC Automotive Technology Department or that person’s designee.
Scholarship funding may be used for tuition, books and fees required of the program.
The uses and expenditures of this fund shall be consistent with the CCAC Educational Foundation policies and procedures.

Scholarships recipients will be selected by a committee comprised of individuals from CCAC and PRCC.
Scholarship award criteria and selection processes are as follows:
Student must be enrolled in a program involving clean energy in some capacity. Primary consideration will be given to those enrolled in alternative fuels for transportation courses.
Student must be full-time, and have completed their first semester at CCAC.
Student must have a college GPA of 3.0 or better while enrolled at CCAC.
Student must have completed and submitted the current year FAFSA information.
Awards will be dispersed based on the financial need of the applicant.
Student must be able to be employed in the United States.
For more information or to apply, please contact Bob Koch at rkoch@ccac.edu.